Mmmm, Loophole Cookies
How much do cookies cost? Sometimes they cost $1.69. Other times they cost $2.49. Really good cookies might cost $2.99 or even $3.49. That's a lot. For cookies.
We paid $5.99 for this tiny 400g tub of mini Voortman's Rainbow Chip cookies. Normally we enjoy paying more for Voortman cookies, since they were the first, and continue to be one of the only companies to offer Trans-fat free products. But $5.99? That is insane.
I decided to run back to the cookie display to see the shelf price. The shelves were industrial-quality, and were very expensive, but that didn't justify the high cost of the cookies!
I found a tag which stated all 400g packages of Voortman cookies were 2 for $3.00. And we just paid double for half that! If we bought two, we would have been charged $12.00 instead of $3.00. Donald Trump might not mind paying that much, but the rest of the world is normal.
Suz ran back to the same cashier while I waited at the exit doors with our groceries. I was worried that our cookies would be stolen, so I had them appraised by a homeless guy and ran next door to State Farm Insurance and took out a policy on them.
While waiting for Suz to return, I noticed a plaque staring me in the face. It was the Supermarket Scanning Code of Practice: If an item scans at a price higher than the shelf price, the customer is entitled to recieve the first item free of charge, up to a maximum of $10. If a Scanning Code of Practice matter cannot be resolved, contact some gayass 1-800 number.
When Suz returned, I expected her to say that the cookies were free. But they weren't. They charged us $2.47 for them instead. $2.47? The sign said 2 for $3.00, however, if purchased singally, the price was $2.47. Oh, that is simply divine, isn't it?
Suz then explained to me that we had to pay full price because of a Loophole. The cookies were not scanned originally because there was no bar code on the product. The cashier did not know the price, so she typed in a different cookie code, which happened to be for 2.5 pounds of Voortman Christmas cookies. Because the original item wasn't "scanned", technically it didn't fall under the Supermarket Scanning Code of Practice rule.
I still say we got ripped, at least not to the tune of $6.00, and I can enjoy the bitter taste of my Loophole cookies until our next grocery trip.