TWDD Meditation
I like trying new things. New hamburger sandwiches, experimental drugs, you name it. Recently I tried a new form of meditation known as TWDD (Talismanic Wheel and Diamond Dharma) meditation.
This modern type of meditation was created by Master Hai Kong of China, specifically for our fast-paced lives. It is a modified version of meditation which originated from Tibetian Buddhists.
Our teacher, Wen, is one of only a few individuals given permission to teach this form of meditation. She has trained, personally, under Master Hai Kong.
I'll give you a second to get your mind out of the gutter.
Okay, ready? Wen taught the very first TWDD meditation class in Canada, in November 2005. The class consisted of only women. Some friends of ours found out about the class and asked us to try it. We did, but I had a difficult time doing it.
When Suz and I attended, I was the only man in the class, and only the second man ever to be taught this form of meditation in Canada. Which really means nothing, because my technique is quite rotten.
Although it is fun to chant the mantra, Om Mani Bei Mei Hung, learning to meditate is really hard work. Seriously. I had to fight the urge to take a Kit Kat break half-way through the two-hour session.
What I learned is that we must each find our own way of clearing our minds and calming down.
The easy way out would be a lobotomy. But I don't want to end up like the Kit Kat guy.