Blind Date
A friend, "Ashley" the Slore, made this video, entitled 'Blind Date' for a sweet Dorito's contest. Look closely and you may recognize her as Abogado the Russian Superman from our 2009 Halloween bash. And if that's any indication of her creativity, you know the video will be bad ass.
The goal of the Doritos contest, aptly named Doritos Viralocity, is to have your video go "viral". There are some serious prizes awarded to videos that rack up the most points.
Top prize is $100,000 cash, and if your video surpasses the 10 million point max threshold, you win a bonus of $150,000. Points are accumulated through Blogger, Twitter, Facebook, Stumble, Reddit, Youtube and a bunch of others.
There's still time to enter a video of your own for a chance to win big bucks. There's even cash prizes for any video ranking from 2nd to 344th place - In other words, the losers. Can't handle being a loser? Not feeling up to the challenge? Go have a nap. Then come back, check out my friend's video, and I guarantee* you'll laugh.
*Disclaimer - "guaranteed laugh" includes smiling, staring blankly, choking on a foot long hot dog, or shutting your computer down.