A Hurricane Vacation

One hundred degrees Fahrenheit and 100% humidity one day and ridiculous winds, rain and crashing waves the next. The weather we experienced on our Florida vacation was extreme to the max. Okay, not quite THE max, but pretty darn close.
Going to Florida as a kid, I got used to the muggy air, then the chill of the a/c cranked to eleven when I went inside. It was exciting to experience different weather and see different plant and animal life in a different part of the continent - yet still watch Fraggle Rock at the same time because we never left our time zone.
When Suz and I went to Florida in August, we experienced hurricane Fay, then scorching days until hurricane Gustav ran past and smacked us around.

A trip to St. Petersburg gave us a real thrill when we watched 30 foot waves crash higher than the palm trees lining our flooded parking lot. Even from 200 feet away the mist wrapped its salty hands around my camera lens.
I managed only to smear the lens with my salt-covered shirt and resorted to licking the lens clean, much to Suz's disgust.
For most island nations and the coastline of the U.S., hurricanes are devatstating and a horror to flee from. But when you're just getting the fringes, it makes for some exciting times and some interesting photos.
Now that's a mighty wave. Wow.
1:04:00 AM
Wow that's some pics and some kinda weather! I know i've told you this before but my BFF lives in St. Pete - gorgeous gorgeous area!!!
9:44:00 AM
Sj, you just gave me an idea...
10:38:00 PM
sounds like quite a vacation...i have never experienced hurricanes before...or tornadoes...nor forest fire...just winter weather! you should try MONTANA in the winter! do you and suz ski?
1:02:00 AM
I used to ski, but with my condition, I can't be on my feet for more than 5 minutes. I really miss skiing and even just walking around in the nice fall weather admiring the colour-change.
11:47:00 AM
No thanks to the hurricane,interesting though seeing that tail end of it. Dolphines rock, saw a school only once on the west coast! I had to laugh at you licking the dang lens. Suz looks like she enjoyed the rays!
8:47:00 AM
Wow, nice picture... creation's beauty nicely captured!
Oh, and a great picture of the wave too ;)
12:02:00 PM
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