Originally intended to document my experience of DeLorean ownership, focus is often radical and strange, boring and obtuse.

Monday, June 04, 2012

Canada's Royal Visit: DMC Midwest

DeLorean Motor Company Midwest took over Toronto Brake for a day.

Our DeLorean club in Ontario consists of over 60 members, 20 of whom are highly involved. Ten years ago it was not this way. But things have changed, and finally the United States has noticed. On June 2, 2012 the crew from DeLorean Motor Company Midwest paid us a visit. June 2, 2012 was a very special day.

Dave & Julee and their entourage drove ten hours from Illinois to Toronto, then spent an entire day diagnosing and repairing problems with our cars. Helping them get through the workload was the staff of Toronto Brake, who graciously hosted garage duties.

Upon arriving, one of our members, trapped inside his car, required an emergency rescue. DMC Midwest's visit could not have been better timed. Some of the other work was bit more mundane, however. While some cars had their CO mixtures adjusted, others had new window motors installed, a/c units diagnosed and hydraulic clutch lines replaced.

I myself had my door alignment checked, a windshield wiper electrical repair and a stuck open window temporarily fixed (until I can pick up a new motor at DCS 2012 next week).

Later in the day the most exciting repair took place: a torsion bar adjustment! This unique process done with proprietary "home-made" tools drew a crowd of onlookers. In less time than it took to replace a pair of inner door seals, Jason and Mike had the drooping doors functioning perfectly.

This was the largest DeLorean event in Canadian history, with approximately 20 cars showing up, including Ken's Time Machine and a DMC-12 from Quebec. At the end of the day we went for dinner locally, inadvertently holding an impromptu car show in the parking lot. For the next couple of hours we relaxed, told stories, ate, drank, and basically shared each others good company. A perfect day.

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Blogger Unknown said...

Jay Leno would have loved being there, as I know it would have been enjoyable for me too! What a great story about how an event and people came together to share and exchange information and resolve problems so efficiently. Sounds as if you had fun, Martini!

4:15:00 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think I would have enjoyed being there too. So frickin cool!

1:16:00 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

That is AWESOME! What a honor to have the DeLorean Motor Company attend and diagnose and correct your cars! You never see that at other shows! Definitely a show to remember!

7:49:00 AM

Blogger Martini said...

hey eveyone, thanks for the comments. trust me when i tell you we were ALL very excited and happy they came. We are hoping to plan another with DPI maybe next spring. I will be out of commissionn for about a week as I've had a hard drive crash. I'm typing this on my boxee box! It's tough.

11:16:00 PM


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